A collection of Demigiant's utility libraries for Unity (
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 CDe2DCameraSets up the 2D orthographic camera it's attached to
 CDeAudioCollectionA collection of audio files. Still needs to be completed.
 CDeAudioGroupAudio group, connected to an AudioMixerGroup. Create it using the DeAudioManager Inspector
 CDeAudioManagerGlobal AudioManager. Only use its static methods
 CDeAudioNotificatorStatic event notificator for all DeAudio events
 CDeAudioSourceData connected to every AudioSource added by DeAudioManager
 CDeloggerLogs messages using the given options
 CListExtensionsList, IList, Array and Dictionary utils
 CDeGUIScopeReplicates Unity's GUI.Scope with Unity versions older than 5.X. Thanks to Dmitriy Yukhanov for pointing this out and creating an initial version (which I meant to use until we discovered Unity had implemented it too)
 CAssemblyExtensionsAssembly extensions
 CDeEditorFileUtilsFile utils
 CDeEditorPanelUtilsUtilities for Editor Panels.
 CDeEditorPrefabUtilsPrefab utilities
 CDeGUIGlobal Demigiant GUI manager. Call DeGUI.BeginGUI to initialize it inside GUI calls.
 CDeGUIDragManages the dragging of GUI elements
 CDeGUILayoutGUILayout methods
 CDeSkinStyleContains both free and pro skins GUIStyle variations, and automatically returns the correct one when converted to GUIStyle
 CDeStylePaletteStores a GUIStyle palette, which can be passed to default DeGUI layouts when calling
 CDeStyleSubPaletteExtend any custom subpalettes from this, so they will be initialized correctly
 CGUIStyleExtensionsGUI extension methods
 CStringExtensionsString extensions
 CTextureExtensionsTexture extensions
 CDeColorBGBackground colors
 CDeColorContentContent colors
 CDeColorPaletteStores a color palette, which can be passed to default DeGUI layouts when calling
 CDeSkinColorContains both free and pro skins color variations, and automatically returns the correct one when converted to Color
 CDeRectUtilsUtils for structs (since they can't directly work with extension methods)